Tuesday, April 28, 2009

British Residential System in Brunei

N Introduced in 1906.

N The result of the Supplementary Protectorate Agreement signed on 31 December 1905 and 3 January 1906 by Sultan Hashim for Brunei and John Anderson for the British government.

N British Resident was appointed to advise the Sultan on all matters of administration except those touching on Islam.

N The first Resident was Malcolm McArthur.

N Took office in May 1906.

Changes under the Residential System

Before the Resident system

-Land governed according to traditional land right.

- Holder to Tulin and Kuripan territons rarely paid taxes to the Sultan.

After the Resident system

- these traditional land right according to Resident system.

-Monopoly Rights were mainly controlled by Chinese businessmen.