Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah.
1946 - 15 July, was born at palace Darussalam, Bandar
Brunei (Bandar Seri Begawan).
1955 - Demand at School Malay Sultan Muhammad

Jamalul Alam , Bandar Brunei.
1959 - Demand at School Road Gurney, Kuala Lumpur
until year 1961.
1961 - Continued studying at Victoria Institution, Kuala
Lumpur and join team Cadet Victoria Institution

until year 1963.
- 14 August, Proclaimed as His Royal Highness the
Prince Crown.
1964 - Continued studying at College Sultan Omar ‘Ali
Saifuddien (SOAS), Bandar Brunei.
1965 - Married His Royal Highness Paduka Seri Baginda
Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleh Binti Al-Marhum
Pengiran Pemancha Pengiran Anak Haji
Mohamed Alam.
1966 - 4 January, Include Academy Soldier King
Sandhust, United Kingdom as Officer Cadet.
Credentials rank Captain in Team Goldstream
1967 - 5 October, Installed as the 29th Sultan of Brunei.
1968 - 1 August, Crowed as Sultan.
1971 - 23 November, Signed Amendment Agreement
1959 with United Kingdom.
1979 - 7 January, Signed Agreement of Friendship and
Co-operation with United Kingdom.
1984 - 1 January, Blazon Celebrated Independence.
- 16 January, went to Casablance, Maghribi attend
Organization Of Islamic Conference (OIC).
- 21 September, went to New York present Ceremony
Assemblage Majestic Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu
(PBB) the 39.
1986 - 20 October, Blazon compile again Government Cabinet.
1987 - 18 January, went to Tanah Suci Makkah Al- Mukarramah
for performing Fardhu Haji the first time.
1988 - 30 November, Blazon Amendments and compile
Government Cabinet for tidy the Government
1989 - 21 September, Received awards ‘Graduate of Respective
Doctor Correspondence’ from University Brunei
Darussalam (UBD).
1992 - 15 February, Received awards ‘Graduate of Respective
Doctor Law’ from University Malaya (UM), Kuala Lumpur.
- 5 October, Celebrating Silver Jubilee for 25 years under the
- 5 November, Received awards ‘Degree of Doctor of Civil
Law by Diploma’ from University Oxford, United Kingdom.
2000 - 30 Jun, Received ‘Awards of the President Gold Medal’ from
City’s Royal College of Surgeons, Scotland, United Kingdom.
- 10-16 November, Chairman Conference Summit Chief
Economic Asian Pacific (APEC) 2000 Brunei Darussalam.
2001 - 11 July, Receive award ‘Graduate of Respective Doctor Law
from University Queensland, Australian.
- 2 October, Received award ‘Graduate of Respective Doctor
Philosophy in Science Political from University Islamic
Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Selangor, Malaysia.
- 20 October, Received award ‘Honorary Doctorate Degree in International Relations’ from the Beijing Foreign Studies University, Republic Nationality China.
2004 - Ceremony Meeting Country exist back with name
‘Ceremony Meeting Kingdom’.
2005 - Inaugurate Conference National recognize Society
- Inaugurate Amendment Member Ceremony Government
- Inaugurate Convention Education and Professionalisms,
Ceremony Knowledge 2005.
2006 - Inaugurate change Head Panji-Panji Team Police King Brunei.
- Inaugurate Ceremony Meeting Kingdom.
2007 - Blazon University Islam Sultan Sharif Ali.
2008 - Inaugurate scission-4 Ceremony Meeting Kingdom at building
new hall Ceremony.